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September 29, 2023  6:30-9pm MST

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thousands have Made the promise!

Make the Promise2Live Now!

Every 40 seconds someone dies by suicide. In that same amount of time you can take the Promise2Live! We're asking EVERYONE to make the promise whether you struggle or not. "I Promise that if I am EVER feeling sad, depressed, hopeless or suicidal I will reach out to a friend, family member, a trusted resource or call or text 988!" Studies show you are more likely to keep a promise made ahead of time. We NEED you! Once you promise, please share it on social media! We'll even send you a Promise2Live certificate! HELP us STOP the STIGMA, START CONVERSATIONS and SAVE LIVES!

Make the Promise2Live

Do you promise that if you am EVER feeling sad, depressed, hopeless or suicidal I will reach out to a friend, family member, a trusted resource or call or text 988!(Required)

Make the Promise2Live Now!

Every 40 seconds someone dies by suicide. In that same amount of time you can make the Promise2Live! The promise is a commitment that empowers individuals, whether or not they are struggling, that if they EVER feel sad, depressed, hopeless, or suicidal, they will reach out to a friend, family member, a trusted resource, or call/text 988! Then, become a safe space for others by sharing on social media. Studies show you are more likely to keep a promise made ahead of time.


Make the Promise2Live

Do you promise that if you am EVER feeling sad, depressed, hopeless or suicidal I will reach out to a friend, family member, a trusted resource or call or text 988!(Required)

Spread Messages of Hope and Healing


The Promise2Live Pocket Hug is a coin to keep in your pocket as a reminder that YOU ARE LOVED and IMPORTANT. If you are feeling lonely, sad, or depressed give the pocket hug a squeeze and remember that YOU MATTER!

Spread Messages of Hope and Healing


The Promise2Live Pocket Hug is a coin to keep in your pocket as a reminder that YOU ARE LOVED and IMPORTANT. If you are feeling lonely, sad, or depressed give the pocket hug a squeeze and remember that YOU MATTER!